Have You Ever Wondered Why Cows Always Sit In The Middle Of The Road? Let’s Know

Have You Ever Wondered Why Cows Always Sit In The Middle Of The Road?
Have You Ever Wondered Why Cows Always Sit In The Middle Of The Road?

There have been reports of many accidents across the country due to stray cattle sitting on the road. Often you must have also seen that many animals camp on the middle of the road. In such a situation, the passengers have to face a lot of difficulties in coming and going. But have you ever wondered why animals sit on the middle of the road? Especially why the cow sits on the middle of the road. Let us tell you interesting information….

That’s why cow sits on the road

Actually, animals have the most trouble with flies and insects. And to avoid them, he takes support of his tail. Cows sit on the road or divider so that they do not have to wag their tails and avoid flies and insects. Because flies and insects stay away from the animal’s body due to high speed traffic.

this is what cows do in the rainy season

The biggest problem for animals is during the rainy season. Because the roads are clear in the rainy season due to which flies and insects do not thrive, and therefore in such weather animals feel safe sitting on the middle of the road.

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